Are you looking at me? How aliens see the Earth
Quanta: The physics of closing a box lid
Frontiers: The strange case of the flying spiders
News: Biophysics: why it’s a major field in its own right
News: Lia Merminga becomes first woman to lead Fermilab
News: Arab Physical Society holds inaugural meeting
News: China collider set for major upgrade
News: Schrödinger building renamed after abuse reports
Forum: Claire Malone on working with physical disabilities
Transactions: Celebrating the International Day of Light
Can you spot an artefact from the real thing?
Feature: The forgotten history of Liverpool’s lost accelerator
Feature: What if a primordial black hole struck Earth?
Andrew Robinson on the latest book by Martin Rees
Reviews: Philip Ball on a steampunk quantum guide
Careers: Why Roland Harwood is fascinated by innovation
The latest physics jobs and courses
Be careful what you read on the Internet