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Winter yarns

Physics World December 2018

Physics World

Lateral Thoughts Physics World  December 2018

Winter yarns

Win Stephen Hawking’s new book in our festive physics-jumper competition

(Artwork: Sarah Tesh; lattice-trap image courtesy NIST; tartan pattern courtesy; snowflake graphic copyright Marielle Perikly Kokosidou)

Ever feel your winter wardrobe is missing something? Are your festive woollens just a bit too mainstream? Is there not enough science depicted on your clothes? Don’t worry, Physics World has a solution. After some office-wide discussions, a bit of tuneless singing and many scribbled doodles that are more scribble than doodle, Sarah Tesh presents our ideas for festive physics jumpers.

We haven’t actually knitted them, but if you have the skills to make one of our designs come to life – or can draw your own Christmas physics jumpers – we’d love to see them. Our top five favourites will each win a copy of Stephen Hawking’s final book Brief Answers to the Big Questions and we’ll publish them in the New Year. Just e-mail your designs to by 7 January 2019 for a chance to win. See for full terms and conditions. Merry Christmas!